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Posture for Your Bone and Joint Health

Bone And Joint Health Articles > Posture for Your Bone and Joint Health

Posture is very important for your bone and joint health. The way that you position yourself while lying down, sitting, or standing is the way posture is defined. In order for your posture to be healthy and not slouching and lazy can often be determined by your bone and joint health. Keeping your bones and joints healthy sometimes takes some concentration and effort.

When you have good posture and maintain good bone and joint health you achieve the following:

  • You keep your joints and bones in good alignment so that your muscles are working correctly.
  • You lessen the abnormal wear on your joint surfaces that can eventually lead to arthritis.
  • Good posture puts less stress on the ligaments that hold the joints of the spine securely together.
  • Bone and joint health, plus good posture, prevent fatigue because the muscles are being used far more efficiently.
  • You lessen the chances of muscle pains and backaches.
  • Good posture prevents the strain.
  • Makes you look good!

Having good posture is something that most people to work on and concentrate to achieve. Bone and joint health can be adversely affected by poor posture.

To promote good posture, plus bone and joint health, you need the following:

  • Strong and sturdy postural muscles.
  • Flexibility in the muscles, encouraging good bone and joint health
  • Balanced muscles on both sides of the spinal column.
  • Joints that have a normal range of motion.
  • An awareness and sense of good posture combined with correct posture for lying down, sitting, and standing upright.

Having good posture often needs to be practiced. Try to spend a certain amount of time totally concentrating on refining your posture. Remember that good bone and joint health are key factors in the type of posture you have and will have in the future. By practicing better posture and becoming aware of just how your body moves, you will eventually replace your old posture and work towards healthy bone and joint health.

Bone And Joint Health Articles > Posture for Your Bone and Joint Health