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Keep Asthma under Control so it Doesn’t Control Your Life

Conditions > Keep Asthma under Control so it Doesn’t Control Your Life

Asthma is a lung disease that can be life threatening, it can also be controlled. Asthma is considered a chronic disease because people have to live with it every day. People with asthma have breathing problems and when these problems flare up they are called attacks or episodes of asthma.

People who have been diagnosed with asthma need to take it very seriously and work in coordination with physicians to keep it under control. It is important to take all medications a doctor prescribes and follow directions given to protect the patient from serious attacks.

You might have asthma if you cough a lot while exercising or resting after you exert yourself. Shortness of breath can also be an indication of asthma. Some asthma sufferers make wheezing sounds when they breath or feel a tightness in the chest.

Asthma symptoms are usually triggered by an irritation in the lungs. Different people have different triggers. Sometimes viruses and allergies cause asthma to flare up. Some people are extra sensitive to gases and particles in the air.

Once asthma sufferers identify the triggers that set them off, they can begin to control the asthma. Many common triggers are the culprits of serious asthma attacks. Allergies to pollens, pets, and mold, for example, can trigger an asthma attack. Air pollution such as tobacco smoke, high ozone levels and traffic fumes are often hard for the asthmatic to take. Even emotions such as fear, crying or laughing can trigger an asthma attack. Exercise can lead to an asthma episode, especially in cold weather. You need to exercise and if this is a concern for you, talk to your doctor about developing an exercise program that works for you even if it includes taking certain medications.

Household irritants including dust, cleaning products and perfume can impact a person with asthma. Colds and respiratory infection are other common triggers. Wind and cold air seem to set off some asthma attacks. Even certain medications, including over-the-counter pain relievers can contribute to an episode.

If you have asthma, talk to your doctor before selecting an over-the-counter product for aches, pains and fever.

Do You Need Asthma Medicine?

Asthma medicine helps the air tubes in your lungs stay opened. Asthma medication usually comes in two forms. Bronchodilators help to stop asthma attacks. The medication can also prevent expected attacks from activities like exercise.

Anti-inflammatories help control the air-way inflammation and prevent asthma attacks. These come under many brand names and should only be used on the advice of a doctor. Some anti-inflammatories come in pills, powders, liquids, sprays and shots.

Another form of asthma treatment for attacks caused by allergies is called hyposensitization therapy or allergy shots. There is some argument among medical professionals about just how much allergy shots help the asthmatic.

Some asthma medications have side effects that might bother you including causing a sore throat, a rapid heartbeat, loss of appetite or sleeplessness. If you experience negative side effects from asthma medication, talk to your doctor.

Conditions > Keep Asthma under Control so it Doesn’t Control Your Life