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What to Do When Some has Schizophrenia

Mental Health > What to Do When Some has Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia refers to impairment in thinking, emotions and behaviors. It is a Greek word meaning ‘split mind’, implying the splitting apart of the mental functions. About 1% of the world population suffers from this disorder.

Schizophrenia has been classified into five subtypes namely, Paranoid – the patient experiences delusions and hallucinations; Disorganized – the patient has incoherent speech, thinking and behavior; Catatonic – marked by difficulty in movement; Undifferentiated – patient has symptoms of all types; and Residual – the patient withdraws from others.

Lot of research is being conducted to determine the definite causes of Schizophrenia. Although the exact cause is still not known, different factors: genetic, biological, psychosocial and environmental, affect it. Data available proves that relatives of schizophrenics are more likely to develop this disorder.

In order to diagnose this disorder a doctor needs to observe the symptoms, as no specific laboratory tests are available. A number of conditions have therefore been framed which should be satisfied to diagnose Schizophrenia. These are symptoms such as delusions, disorganized behavior, and decline in social life, inability to take care of self.

There are three phases of Schizophrenia: acute phase where the person has completely lost touch with reality, stabilization phase wherein the symptoms have been brought under control but there is high risk of relapse, and maintenance phase in which the patient is stable but needs to keep the treatment going.

The treatment depends on the phase of the disorder. Acute cases are immediately hospitalized and anti- psychotic medications given. These medications help control the symptoms. At a more stabilized phase, psychotherapy is beneficial, which may include behavior therapy and occupational therapy.

The family of the patient needs to give continuous support as this would help in faster recovery. Thus, family therapy is also recommended to help them understand the disorder as well as change their attitude. This helps both the patient and the family cope with the disorder.

Mental Health > What to Do When Some has Schizophrenia