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Get in the groove of exercise

Senior Health > Get in the groove of exercise

With an ever-increasing number of senior citizens as the baby boomers reach maturity; many industries are altering their services to cater to this group. Workout gyms, once the play place of the young and sculpted, have become a place where seniors gather for social time and physical exertion. Keeping in good physical shape is more important than ever as many senior citizens live into their 90s, and a great number of them retired in their early 60s. Thirty years of the couch potato life will not help improve the quality of seniors’ lives. Indeed, gyms may offer new friendships and opportunities as well as physical training.

A senior who wishes to join a gym should check out the offerings there first – after getting the okay from his or her doctor, of course. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you get to a gym. Remember that although the folks at the counter may seem rough and tumble mean, they are there to help patrons get in the best shape of their lives. Ask about what classes are available, if they have personal trainers, and if there is anyone to assist people who may be unfamiliar with the equipment available. Most gyms have people whose job it is to assist new clients in their workout regimen, and you should take advantage of those people.

With some simple preparation, even an elderly customer who has never been in a gym before can become a pro in no time. Everyone was new to the gym at one time or another, and the tens or hundreds of pieces of equipment they have can be intimidating if a patron is unsure what it does. Enlist the help of the employees and make a note of the equipment that works best. Return to the gym frequently and feel free to try out new equipment as you become more comfortable.

Classes are also an option for people at the gym and may provide an extra incentive for seniors who have never spent much time in a gym. Some classes, such as water aerobics, may even be for seniors only. These classes will be held during the day when mostly seniors are available anyway. The classes will allow for time to meet others and to get in shape, and they can work as an encouragement to return.

Senior Health > Get in the groove of exercise