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Minimally Invasive surgery

Surgery > Minimally Invasive surgery

Minimally invasive or endoscopic surgery is extremely common these days. So common in fact that the fear of having is slowly lessening each day. Invasive surgeries are usually performed with the help of an endoscopic camera and many long and rigid instruments. Invasive surgeries are usually performed through the body’s natural openings or with the help of a man made opening with a scalpel. There are many advantages to having endoscopic surgery as opposed to the more open forms of surgery.

Some of the benefits to having endoscopic surgery is that it can reduce your possibility to infections, the patient suffers from less pain and organ troubles, the injuries or scars are much smaller, and the recovery time is much less. The only problem with minimally invasive surgery is generally suffered by the surgeons. Some of these disadvantages are: the surgeons vision is somewhat restricted (using the small camera to see), handling the instruments is a bit harder with the smaller openings, mobility once inside the body is restricted, and the surgeons do not have tactile perception while performing the surgery.

One minimally invasive surgery that is performed quite often these days is gallbladder surgery. The endoscopic camera is sent into the body through a small incision in the navel. This is obviously not the only minimally invasive surgery that is performed often nowadays, but it is one of them. Some of these surgeries can be performed one day, and you could on your way home the next day. Some of these minimally invasive surgeries can be performed on an outpatient basis such as in the case of a D&C. The fact of the matter is that minimally invasive surgery is the recommended way of having certain surgeries as they cause fewer risks for the patient. If you are eligible for this type of surgery, it is a pretty good idea to take it.

Surgery > Minimally Invasive surgery