Minor surgery
Surgery > Minor surgery
Minor surgery can best be describes as outpatient surgery. Some surgeries that are considered minor are called so because they are not given due to a life threatening problem and that they are so common place that it is considered extremely low risk in nature. Think about it; having your tonsils removed used to be considered major surgery and now it is more likely referred to as a right of passage. Minor surgery usually consists of minor incisions being made with little to no scarring or with the use of lasers instead.
Minor surgery is rarely feared but it is often required to rid the body of slight and small problems or things that are easy to correct such as bunions, vision, ganglion cysts, and cosmetic things like wrinkles and acne. Minor surgery rarely requires any extended hospital stays that last beyond a few hours or so, but they can if the patient undergoes shock, interior or obsessive bleeding or major infections due to the procedures. It is common for local anesthesia’s to be used during minor surgeries rather than putting the patient to sleep as that requires far more money and it is often not necessary. For example, local anesthesia is used for bunion surgery as the incision is fairly small and the surgery is completed in about an hour.
People are generally put out for surgeries that require hours of intrusive and/or awkwardly placed incisions because the patient is more likely to suffer shock when they are being invaded by metallic instruments. Not to mention that during major surgeries, patients are required to remain immobile for hours and local anesthesia is not enough and doesn’t last long enough for this type of surgery to begin. When you are in need of minor surgeries, you should be very satisfied in knowing that your condition is not life threatening enough to require that you need major surgeries. No one likes to get surgery, but if you must get it, it might as be a minor one right?