Eating Disorder and Teen Health
Teen Health > Eating Disorder and Teen Health
The number of teens that have an eating disorder is staggering. With the super models and size 0 fashions is it any wonder that our teens are failing in healthy eating? The complications that arise form teenage eating disorders are at an all time high. In the day and age of fast food and belly shirts it should not be a surprise to anyone that our teens are not eating for the future but for today and to be part of the “in” crowd.
Eating is an important part of everyone's life. Food should be enjoyable as well as nutritious - it doesn't matter how nutritious a food is if you don't eat it!
Parents of teens now have a new issue facing them. Eating disorders. Well more often found in teen girls statistics show that the number of teenage boys with eating disorders are on the rise.
“I am fat!” is being heard in younger children everyday. To the point where some grade four children are refusing to eat packed lunches because the “feel fat” What are we doing to the youth of this world?
Gone are the days of eating healthy, we now eat on the run. Family dinners are few and far between because schedules do not allow it, right? Here is some food for thought. If a teenager starts to wear clothing that is too large, and hides their body from sight even on hot summer days you might want to pay attention to what they are eating or not eating. All foods provide some nutrients and contribute to the taste, smell, color, texture and enjoyment of the meal. Sharing a meal with friends or family is an important part of enjoying your food. Choosing foods for a healthy balanced diet doesn't have to mean giving up all your favorites. It's the overall balance that counts. No food needs to be excluded from the diet except occasionally for special medical reasons. This is what we should be teaching our children, instead of diets and numbers we should be teaching the teens how to eat healthy.
The number of reported cases of anerxious and bulimia is no where near the true number of teens that are afflicted with this disease. If your teen is showing signs you should not hesitate in talking with your family doctor. Left untreated both or either one of these can cause irreversible damage to a teens future