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The Beauty of Tai Chi Movements

Treatments and Therapies > > The Beauty of Tai Chi Movements

Tai Chi, one of the latest oriental imports, is catching up in the West very fast. All over America, especially at the public places of major cities, a number of people could be seen dancing in some kind of a trance. These small groups of people are practicing Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese remedy to maintain balance between the physical and spiritual world. The movements involved in Tai Chi help increasing the flow of ‘chi’, the positive energy in human body.

The uniqueness of Tai Chi is that it is a combination of workout and therapy. In a very short time, it has become an instant hit amongst seniors. They like its easy steps and its ailments relieving abilities. It cures arthritis and musculoskeletal problems by improving flexibility and building muscle strength.

Tai Chi is comparatively new to the other Chinese martial arts and therapies. It started sometime in the Middle Ages as an offshoot or somewhat mellowed style of martial art. Its slow and rhythmic mellowed movements help to shift the weight of the body to acquire a divine posture. The movements or gestures are poetically named as 'waving hand in the cloud' or 'pushing the mountain', etc.

A number of scientific research and studies have proved that Tai Chi has helped people to cure many maladies. People afflicting from osteoporosis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other rheumatic diseases have shown tremendous improvement in movement and body co-ordination after practicing Tai Chi for a few weeks.

However, in-spite of having so many benefits, one should try to take a few precautions while training for Tai Chi. One cannot learn Tai Chi from videos and books. A well-qualified and suitable instructor is necessary for learning Tai Chi. Daily practice is also essential but one should not over-exert. Moreover, the most important thing is warming up before the session and cooling down after it because apparently, it does not look strenuous but it works on bones and muscles and burns lots of calories.

Treatments and Therapies > > The Beauty of Tai Chi Movements