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Treatments and Therapies Drug Related

Treatments and Therapies > > Treatments and Therapies Drug Related

Treatments and Therapies in the medical world are based on drug therapy. In the our modern world of get it done faster, it is curious to know what all the current treatments and Therapies are going to do to the future generations to come. The young generations of today are given drugs and sent to psychologist more then at any other time in history. Perhaps parents need to qualify for the job, for it is alarming the number of children that are put on some type of Treatment or Therapy for some from of “modern childhood disorders”

It has been released that many doctor’s are prescribing young children with prescriptions to help the parents and teachers get attitudes under control. Historically that was the parents job, however with child protection laws a parent is not allowed to disapline a child that does not pay attention, and a teacher has to deal with almost double the number of students in the past.

With the birth of child they are given needles to protect them for the illness of the world. When they go to school they are “ asseted” and if they are deem “uncontrollable we call the ADD patients. ADD is short for the unknown condition of Attention Deficit Disorder. I mean really are we as the adult teachers in their young life’s not responsible for “getting their attention”? To top off the riddlen and Prozac that our children are taking to make them pay attention, we are sending them off to physiologist for much needed therapy to make them understand being a child.

Have you seen a child on medication for ADD? It is heart breaking. Plain and simple the child is drugged to the point that they are “calm” and “manageable” The studies are not in as to what long term effect these treatments and therapies will have on their long term health.
The question becomes a simple one…are we causing my future harm applying modern treatments and therapies?

Treatments and Therapies > > Treatments and Therapies Drug Related