Facts, Tips and Information on Fertility
Some Fertility Facts Not Fictions
Below are some points regarding common misconceptions that surround fertility issues:
A woman can not get pregnant during her period – during her period of menstruation a woman will not get pregnant because her hormone levels are too low to initiate ovulation. However, having intercourse during her period could result in pregnancy. Remember that sperm can live inside a woman for up to five days and she may ovulate earlier than usual.
Adopting a child can help your own fertility – whilst adopting a child might take some of the pressure/stress that some couples feel under to be seen as a family, it will inevitably create other pressures and stresses. There is no statistical correlation between adoption and conception capability.
Coital position matters - the position adopted during sexual intercourse does not affect the ability of sperm to reach the ovum. Neither does the length of time spent by the woman reclining post-coitally affect the chances of fertilization occurring. Providing sperm are ejaculated into the neck of the uterus they will begin their journey towards the ovum.
Getting pregnant is easy – well for some it is, but for many it isn’t. If you’re finding conceiving a child to be difficult don’t allow insensitive comments from others to put you under stress.
Male potency is increased if he abstains from having sexual intercourse – male potency is not improved by a period of sexual abstinence prior to a couple seeking to conceive a baby. The male body produces millions of new sperm every day which, if not ejaculated, then accumulate in the man’s epididymis. This could lead to old and inferior quality sperm actually acting as abarrier to newer sperm seeking the woman’s ovum.
Male virility equals fertility - just because a man is sexually virile does not mean that he is fertile. Being virile is no guarantee of having fertile sperm. A man could have a relatively low sexdrive and yet be far more fertile than a man with a very high libido.
Orgasm, a woman must have an orgasm to get pregnant - a woman’s orgasm does not trigger the release of an ovum. Her eggs are released at a pre-ordained time by the gradual release of estrogen, not a sudden surge! Also, just in case you’ve been told this one as well, a woman does not have to have an orgasm in order to become pregnant.
Regular sex increases the chance of conception – is not entirely untrue. However, it is more a question of timing than regularity. Generally the best chance of conception occurring is during the woman’s 11th to 17th days of her menstrual cycle. However, it should be noted that the ovum once released can only survive for twelve to twenty four hours! Please also readthe item on sperm mortality.
Second and subsequent babies are easier to conceive – is simply not true. Whilst having had one child would indicate that a couple was fertile, unfortunately it is no guarantee of futurefertility.
Sperm mortality is rapid - the idea that if a sperm doesn’t fertilize an ovum within minutes of an ejaculation it will die, is quite simply wrong. If the woman has good fertile cervical fluids the sperm can live for up to five days in her reproductive system. This is important to remember if a woman is not sure when her ovulation time is!
Stress can cause infertility – whilst stress can certainly contribute to difficulties in conceiving it will not, in itself, prevent conception. Stress is known to impact on a woman’s menstrual cycle and could therefore disrupt the timing of her ovulation, which could in turn create difficulties in getting pregnant.
Myths And Misconceptions About Fertility, Infertility And Pregnancy
Fertility or the lack of it has over the years, led to many myths and misconceptions. These often come from hearsay, old wives tales or poor advice.
Most often, these myths and misconceptions either cause a delay in getting appropriate treatment for infertility which mayn be corrected with timely diagnosis or can lead to other physical, psychological or social complications.
Some popular (and a few not so popular) myths are discussed below. For the reader’s benefit, these are categorized by gender, with a few of them common to both sexes.
For Men
Bigger the guy, bigger the moon. The size and shape of the penis in no way contributes to or takes away the chances of getting your partner pregnant.
Virility = Fertility. This is not necessarily so. Infertility disorders could affect men with totally normal sex drives. Abnormal sperm, lifestyle factors and age can impact a man’s fertility without affecting his virility.
Sperm count will be the same each time you check it. A man's sperm count can vary. Sperm numbers and motility can be affected by factors such as time gap between ejaculations, illness, and/or medications.
Excessive masturbation leads to Azoospermia (no sperm). Masturbation is a normal activity that most boys and men indulge in. It does not affect the sperm count. You cannot "run" out of sperm, because these are constantly being produced in the testes.
For Women
No known history of pelvic infections means no blocked tubes. Many pelvic infections have no symptoms at all, but can cause damage to the tubes. This damage can in cases be irreversible.
Infertility is caused by painful, long or irregular menstruation. The fact is painful periods do not affect fertility at all. For most women, timely, yet painful periods is a sign of healthy ovulatory cycles. A woman's menstruation cycle can often vary from month to month. As long as a woman can count on a period at regular intervals every month, this is normal. Some healthy women may even have cycles as far apart as 40 days. Longer cycles do mean that the women are “fertile” for lesser time in a year and hence need to be more cautious and aware of their cycle and fertility phases.
Sperm leaking out of the vagina after intercourse may be the reason why a woman isn’t getting pregnant. Most women notice some amount of discharge post intercourse and this is quite normal. Many infertile couples often think that this outflow prevents fertilization taking place and may be the cause of their inability to conceive. If your partner has ejaculated inside you, then you can be certain that in spite of some of the seminal fluid leaking out, sufficient sperm are present in the cervical mucus and heading up the cervix to the fallopian tubes for up to 72 hours after intercourse. This debunks another popular myth, that pillows under the hips during and after intercourse prevents the seminal fluid from leaking out and therefore enhances fertility as raising the hips doesn’t really aid or inhibit fertilization.
A regular internal examination that says you’re fine means that you should have no problem getting pregnant. A routine internal examination only reveals any obvious problems that could lead to infertility. If after regular, unprotected sex over a prolonged period still does not result in pregnancy, you may need to undergo further tests to determine possible causes of infertility.
If a woman takes fertility medication, she'll have a multiple pregnancy. Although fertility drugs do increase the chances of having a multiple pregnancy (because they stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs) the majority of women taking them give birth to a single baby.
For Both Sexes
Different blood group of both partners can cause infertility. There is no relation between blood groups and fertility.
Infertility is not necessarily hereditary. If your parents, grand parents or siblings have had difficulty becoming pregnant, this does not necessarily mean you will have the same problem! Most infertility problems are not hereditary, and you need a complete evaluation to determine the possible cause of your infertility.
If you want it enough and work hard enough at it, you'll get pregnant. Unlike many other parts of your life, infertility may be beyond your control. While newer infertility treatments have improved the chances of most couples conceiving, some problems are presently, not treatable..
We should be having intercourse every day to achieve pregnancy. Sperm remain alive and active in the woman's cervical mucus for up to 72 hours following sexual intercourse; therefore, it isn't necessary to plan your lovemaking on a rigid schedule. Although having sexual intercourse near the time of ovulation is important, no single day is critical. So, don't be unduly concerned if intercourse is not possible or practical on the ‘ovulation’ day.
Myths and misconceptions on the subject of fertility or the absence of it are truly plentiful. To get the real picture, consult your health provider
Mother Nature Offers Surprising Help for Fertility
If you are reading this article, chances are that you are experiencing some degree of difficulty conceiving. Many of us have had this problem at different times in our lives and it can be blamed on various things for each of us. There is no one size fits all fertility cure just as there are no one size fits all fertility problems. The good news is that there are natural remedies you can try before turning to medicinal or surgical offerings for help.
I find that nature is a powerful and balancing force in life and for many centuries people have turned to the wonders of nature when it comes to solving or (occasionally) creating problems. In this case, there are plants, herbs, and flowers that are actually believed to be quite effective aids in the treatment of infertility problems for both men and women. If you have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive you may want to discuss some of the options you'll find below with your physician before turning to more costly methods. If you are already trying some of those methods without success, perhaps the herbs and other natural remedies below can help.
The important thing is to discuss everything with your doctor. If you are fortunate you will have a doctor that values the worth of natural cures and remedies and will work with you. Regardless your doctor needs to know if you are taking any sort of herbal remedy as they may interact with medications that he or she has prescribed.
Parsley, believe it or not is one of the first herbs that comes to mind when it comes to fertility. While there are superstitions surrounding parsley and its evil nature there is also a great deal to support it as a lust inducing drug that will aid in your fertility endeavors. Add a little extra to your favorite recipes and enjoy generously however, you should limit your exposure to parsley once you have conceived, as it is also believed to bring about early labor.
Red clover is a very useful herb when it comes to conception and fertility. Not only is this herb gentle on the body it is also recommended for both the male and the female in order to enhance fertility. This herb is believed to promote good health of both the sperm and the eggs while also promoting an overall acceptance of pregnancy throughout the body. This herb is also safe to consume throughout pregnancy and while lactating as an anti-cancer remedy as well.
Other great herbs that are known for promoting fertility include: oatstraw, nettles, and red raspberry leaves. At the other end of the spectrum you should avoid rue and wild carrot (also known as Queen Anne's lace) as they are widely considered anti-fertility herbs or birth control to use a modern term. Mother Nature has been taking care of keeping the planet populated for centuries it only makes sense that she would have some excellent remedies to assist you in your efforts to build a family of your own.
Laughter is the Best Medicine When it Comes to Fertility
When it comes to fertility and trying to conceive many people overlook the obvious solutions in search of bigger reasons. They go through countless tests and expensive lab works, hooking themselves up to machines, and answering all manner of embarrassing questions about childhood trauma only to discover that your barrier for conception is something as simple as wearing the wrong sort of underwear or leftover but thankfully temporary effects as the result of prolonged birth control usage.
Rather than skipping the preliminary trial and error phase many people head right on over to the doctor's office after a couple of months of trying. Many of you have tried for quite a long time, but out of mere curiosity have you tried any of the silly recommendations floating around?
Seriously, fertility can be funny business and most often is in order to be effective. Finding your sense of humor amidst a sea of loss and seeming failure can be quite difficult at times but allowing stress, fear, and disappointment to consumer your body can also flood your body with protections against getting pregnant. There are many times in life where laughter truly is the best medicine and this is often the case with infertility. So go out, buy all the books, read all the silly suggestions, try conceiving while standing on your head eating broccoli and oranges (for the extra nutrients of course).
While you may find yourself playing the blame game (it's really worse when you are playing and blaming yourself) for perceived failures and inadequacies the problem could be purely out of the control of both you and your partner it is important that you remember that bad feelings will often adversely affect your ability to conceive. It's a two-edged sword in many ways and yet you should try everything before putting yourself through the expense and strain-both emotionally and financially of going through the testing and treatment phase for fertility problems.
Don't stop with laughter though; though try anything you can think of to make you feel positive and upbeat. Get a manicure or pedicure, new hair cut, new shoes (always seemed to work for me), or create a mantra for yourself-a mission statement if you will. Most importantly though do not for once allow yourself to even remotely consider that not succeeding this time or this month or even this year is failure because it isn't. It is merely postponement.
There are many things you can do that will help you achieve the mental mindset that is required to actually defy the odds as well as logic. Do not think of an encounter as an opportunity to get pregnant but rather a chance to show your love for each other. Do not think of it as a failed coupling if you do not get the results you desire but change the results you desire from the act. Do not make intimacy about pregnancy and you will find that you are far more likely to forget what you are trying to do and simply enjoying each other, which is one of the greatest gifts you can give the bundle you will someday bring into your lives.
Your state of mind when trying to conceive and approaching fertility is one of if not the most important assets you have for achieving your goal. Keep in mind that most people do not succeed until they forget they are trying.