Slavic Massage
Slavic massage dates back to the Genghis Khan era and was developed by nomadic, tribal people who lived at one with nature. It was used on both horses and humans alike. It has since spread to the West from Central Asia and Eastern Europe but has its roots firmly in the Lake Baikal/Atlai Mountain regions.
Slavic Massage is one of the purest, oldest and classical forms of aromatherapy and was brought to the UK by Jan Kusmirek, a leading Aromatherapist. Warm oil is drizzled on to the skin and slow but smooth flowing movements induce deep relaxation. It is a wonderful experience for both client and practitioner as it is extremely relaxing, nurturing and a most pleasurable exchange of energies. An almost hypnotic state is reached through the gentle flowing, rhythmical movements together
Slavic massage oil nourishes and feeds the skin whilst improving skin tone. The gentle stretching movements help to further relax the client as well as ease joint mobility. It is especially beneficial for desk-bound clients or people with arthritis/joint problems.