Herbs have magnificent healing powers and can be used to treat many serious yet common ailments and to boost your health.

Protecting Humans From Ticks

The best approach to prevention of tick-borne diseases is avoidance of areas that are suitable for tick survival. If you do spend time in any areas where you might be exposed to ticks, the following protective measures may help.

Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and a hat will minimize areas of exposed skin. Tuck legs of pants into socks and tuck shirts into pants so that any ticks crawling upwards cannot get on skin. Don't wear sandals. Wear light-colored clothing to make it easier to spot the dark ticks. Smooth fabrics such as windbreaker material make it more difficult for ticks to cling.

Check for ticks on clothing frequently and do a thorough, full body check when you return home. Ticks prefer dark, damp places, so be sure to check behind the knees, ears, in the scalp, etc. Also, put clothing in the dryer for 20 minutes to kill any ticks that may be present.

Repellents applied to clothing, shoes, tents, and other gear will provide additional protection. We suggest reading DEET versus Permethrin as a Tick Repellent to learn the advantages of each.

If you do find a tick on you, be sure to remove it properly. Improper removal can increase your chances of acquiring a tick-borne illness.