Yeast and Acidophilus
Antibiotics have been shown to kill off not only the "bad" bacteria, but also the beneficial bacteria that provide your body with many defensive properties, such as stimulating the immune system, and keeping your internal environment inhospitable for certain harmful bacteria and other disease causing microorganisms. One problem for Lyme patients is the possibility of developing systemic yeast infection. Ordinarily, yeast is kept under control by your "good" bacteria. However, when your "good" bacteria is destroyed, the yeast is free to flourish.
It has been recommended that you eat yogurt containing live cultures of the bacteria L. acidophilus. New evidence, however, has shown that yogurt, although an excellent food, may not promote bacterial growth as has been previously reported. It may be more helpful to take acidophilus (available at health food stores), and to eat a diet rich in fruits, grains and vegetables to provide the right amount of fiber, which seems to help the "good" bacteria flourish.