
Natural Cures For Common Widespread skin Conditions - As Seen On The Dr Oz Show

Organic Tamanu Oil
Tamanu Oil Skin Care
Tamanu Oil Vanuatu
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Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that presents itself on the skin, often on the elbows, scalp and knees. However in severe cases, Psoriasis can be found anywhere on the body or all over the body from head to toe. Although not contagious, this condition comes in 5 different forms - Plaque Psoriasis (the most common form), Pustular Psoriasis, Guttate Psoriasis, Erythrodermic Psoriasis and Inverse Psoriasis.

Usually only one form of the condition will present itself at any one time. However, even if that form of Psoriasis clears up, another form of psoriasis will usually appear in response to some trigger.

Basically, the sufferer's immune system is accidentally triggered, so as to cause the rapid acceleration of skin cell growth. Instead of a normal skin cell taking around 29 days to mature before then being shed by the body, a skin cell in a psoriasis sufferer only takes 3 or 4 days to mature and instead of the body shedding it, the cell piles up on the surface of the skin, forming psoriasis lesions.

These lesions frequently appears as red, raised patches covered with scale (a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells). Psoriasis can also be associated with other serious health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

The condition occurs in about 3% of the population. Now this may not sound much but in the USA alone, this accounts for 8-9 million people (according to the National Institutes of Health). The condition can start at any age (even as a baby) but it often tends to develop, in both males and females, in their late teens or early twenties. Many simply grow out of the condition over time but some don't and some have a second peak when they reach their fifties.

When it comes to widespread skin conditions, Psoriasis can be tough on the patient. Apart from pain and discomfort, the sufferer can become extremely self-conscious about his or her appearance. The condition can prevail for many years and even for life. This in turn can lead to low self esteem, depression and even suicide.

Infantile Psoriasis

There is also a condition known as Psoriatic Arthritis. This is an immune system disorder that includes both psoriatic skin lesions and joint inflammation, although they may not necessarily occur at the same time.


Like so many other skin conditions (such as Acne, for example), the exact cause of Psoriasis is unknown. Most research scientists seem to agree that a combination of a person's immune system and genetics is essential for Psoriasis to even develop.

Even though only 2-3 % of the population develops Psoriasis, it is suspected that 10% or more of the general population inherit one or more of the genes that create a predisposition to Psoriasis. However, the general consensus between scientists is that apart from being genetically predisposed to Psoriasis, the condition won't develop without some exposure to specific external triggers.

So what are these external triggers? Like allergies, they are wide and varied. In fact, in many cases the actual trigger or triggers is/are never identified. What is known is that just because a certain trigger may produce Psoriasis in someone with the necessary, genetic pre-disposition, does not mean that the same trigger will activate the condition in another person with that same genetic pre-disposition.

As with Acne, there are plenty of people with an opinion on what triggers or what causes Psoriasis.

These are unproven theories from diet, allergies, the weather, cleanliness through to anything and everything in the environment or a combination of all these elements.

The known Psoriasis triggers include infection, certain medications, injury and stress. A streptococcal (strep) infection is known to trigger Psoriasis Guttate. Medications such as Quinidine, Lithium, Indomethacin, Inderal and various others are known to aggravate the condition in many cases. If you suffer from Psoriasis, you should always check with your doctor as to any medications you may be taking that could worsen the condition. Known as the Koebner phenomenon (also called the "Koebner response" or the "isomorphic response"), Psoriasis can develop in areas of the skin that have been injured or traumatized in some way. The injury or trauma could range from a skin abrasion, a scratch, a needle (as in a vaccination) through to a repair scar following an operation (eg. a hernia).


In Western society, the common treatments for Psoriasis have been limited to:-

Over-The-Counter Medications

These products are purchased
without a doctor's prescriptions from drugstores, pharmacies or direct from the manufacturer. There are over 400 different products ranging from anti-itch products and scale lifters to various ointments, lotions and scalp treatments. Unfortunately for the Psoriasis sufferer, most of these don't work and can be detrimental due to harmful chemicals and toxins.

Prescription Medications

These are medications that do require a doctor's prescription. For information about these products, talk to a doctor who is familiar with prescribing them, as there can be negative side effects. At best, these medications have varying results but none cure Psoriasis.

Other Treatments

There are various Ultraviolet phototherapy systems for Psoriasis treatments. Phototherapy or ultraviolet light is the application of mid wave light energy (Ultraviolet-B light [UVB]) or long wave light (Ultraviolet-A [UVA]). While Ultraviolet phototherapy can slow down abnormal growth of normal skin cells which is associated with psoriasis, it carries with it some level of risk. Exposure to UV light over prolonged periods is known to increase the chances of contracting skin cancer.

This is why in countries such as the USA, a doctor's prescription is required to be certain that you are aware of the potential siude effects. 


Tamanu or more specifically, Tamanu Oil (scientifc name is Calophyllum Inophyllum) is a largely undiscovered solution for many skin care problems. One of these is Psoriasis and another is Psoriatic Arthritis. While there have been a number of scientific studies on Tamanu Oil, the research has been limited, due largely to the product not being well known outside Pacific Island countries such as Vanuatu. However, sufficient scientific studies have been done in Europe and the USA to know that this oil has the unique ability to promote the formation of new skin tissue and that it possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, antibiotic and antioxidant properties.

It's also all natural - zero chemicals or harmful toxins! Just read the testimonial below to appreciate just how powerful Tamanu Oil can be in the fight for a Psoriasis cure.

Tamanu oil is made from the nut kernels of the Tamanu Tree – an evergreen tree and a member of the Mangosteen Family. This tree flourishes in tropical environments such as the exotic Melanesian islands of Vanuatu and in the native dialet is known as “Nambagura”.

While the Tamanu Tree can grow inland, it prefers salty, sandy soil, with the result that it tends to grow profusely near the sea. The native Melanesian people of Vanuatu claim that the best quality virgin Tamanu Oil comes from the trees that grow near coastal areas, rather than from those that grow inland.

While the tree is slow-growing, it can grow up to 30 meters in height. The trunk is usually covered in dark, cracked bark while the leaves are elongated and glossy. Small, sweet-smelling white flowers (with a yellow center) are produced twice yearly.

These flowers then give way to clusters of fruit. These start out green but turn a yellowy color as they mature. Inside this thin, fleshy fruit (which is inedible) is the Tamanu Nut (sometimes called “Punnai”).

The fruit is allowed to fall naturally from the tree. The pale-colored nut kernels are then laid out on racks to dry for 2 months. During this process, these kernels turn a brownish-red color and release a strong, rich oil.

The Tamanu Oil is then extracted by cold-pressing and filtration. It takes a great many nuts to produce even a small quantity of oil – in fact, four trees will generally yield approximately 20 Liters of “pure” Tamanu Oil, depending on the size and yield of the trees!

This low-yield ratio is the primary reason for the relatively high cost of Tamanu Oil. However, don't be fooled by companies pretending to sell pure Tamanu Oil. Many of these companies may well use pure Tamanu Oil but then dilute it with other ingredients such as Olive Oil!

The real healing power of this traditional topical oil is its unique ability to promote the formation of new tissue, thereby accelerating wound healing and the growth of healthy skin. The scientific term for this process is "cicatrization". Scientists don’t fully understand the unique cicatrizing properties of the Oil, as it has an extremely complex portfolio of chemistry. However, scientific studies clearly establish Tamanu Oil as a significant healing agent.

For example, BioScience Laboratories conducted a study of Tamanu Oil’s ability to improve the appearance of scars. Six subjects with obvious scars aged for one year or more participated in the test. Subjects were not allowed to use moisturizers on their scarred areas for seven days before the test or throughout the nine-week test period. Scars were rated for roughness, length, width and degree of difference from surrounding normal skin. Measurements of darkness and redness were also taken for scarred and surrounding normal skin. Digital photos of scars were taken prior to initial application and at the end of week nine, Tamanu Oil was applied to the scarred area twice daily for nine consecutive weeks. There was significant improvement in appearance of scars after six weeks, and improvement continued through week nine. Scar length was reduced by an average 0.28 centimeters, and width was reduced by an average 0.12 centimeters. [Beausoleil]

Source: Dweck, A.C.: Calophyllum inophyllum – Tamanu oil the African, Asian, Polynesian and Pacific Panacea. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 24, 6, 1-8 (2002).

Tamanu Oil has even been used topically for relieving the pain of leprous neuritis. In 1928, Sister Marie-Suzanne, a missionary nun of the Society of Mary stationed in Fiji, tested Tamanu’s medicinal properties and used it effectively to treat leprosy.

In the 1930s French researchers investigated Tamanu Oil and found it effective in the treatment of a number of cases involving serious skin conditions. One such case involved a woman admitted into St. Louis Hospital in Paris. She had with a large, gangrenous leg ulcer that would not heal and amputation seemed the only option. However, to the astonishment of the doctors, the leg wound eventually healed after regular dressings of Tamanu Oil were applied.

Tamanu Oil is the ultimate in skin cell rejuvenation.

Tamanu Oil is one of the most closely guarded skin care secrets of all time and Vanuatu Tamanu Oil is regarded by many as the best in the world. It is only after the fruit of the Tamanu Tree has fallen to the ground naturally that the nuts are collected and dried. Consequently, there is no negative impact on the trees themselves. The harvesting of the nuts and the subsequent cold pressing into Tamanu Oil is a sustainable source of income for the Ni Vanuatu people in a largely non-cash economy. This income is much needed to pay for their children’s schooling and basic necessities such as rice and medical care.

Vanuatu has been rated # 1 on the “Happy Planet Index. The HPI is a new global measure of which ranks the progress of nations based on the amount of the Earth's resources they use, and the length and happiness of people's lives. This is a revolutionary new approach to measuring human well-being and environmental impact, published by the New Economic Foundation in association with Friends of the Earth.

Apart from Vanuatu’s low population, unique rainforests (with very little logging) and a large land area rich in volcanic ash (plus 2500 kms of exposed coastline), a very significant factor for Vanuatu being chosen as the Happiest Country On Earth was the fact that Vanuatu emits next to NO carbon emissions! The different islands of Vanuatu are coral islands and the Tamanu Tree florishes well when the roots of the Tamanu Tree feed off nutrients in the coral itself.

It is little wonder that Vanuatu Tamanu Oil is highly sought after around the globe.


In order to get rid of Psoriasis or at least substantially reduce its effects, simply apply 100% pure Tamanu Oil directly onto the affected areas morning and night using a soft cloth. If your skin begins to dry out too much, hold off on the Tamanu Oil for a few days and apply some Tamanu Butter instead (as the addition of pure Virgin Coconut Oil and Cocoa Butter will provide that extra moisturizing quality). When you're ready, you can just resume the application of pure Tamanu Oil.

As with any topical application, please be sure to test the products on a small area of your skin first., particularly if you happen to be allergic to nuts or have a known allergy of any kind.

To purchase any of the above products, see the Featured Psoriasis Treatment Products below.



Tamanu Oil - 50 ml

Pure Tamanu Oil

Price - $22.60

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Pure Tamanu Oil

Price - $49.95

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Tamanu Butter
(80 gm)

Price - $21.95

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