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Cognitive Therapy can help you

Cognitive therapy operates on the belief that the way you think affects the way you feel and behave. If they challenge your irrational thoughts and replace them with rational ways of thinking, you will feel better and behave in ways that promote healthy living.

Therapists will usually ask in very specific terms, about a situation that is giving you difficulty. All of your problems are most likely imbedded in that one specific situation. They will then examine your negative thoughts and identify cognitive distortions. (Sometimes the conclusions you are making are inconsistent with the information at hand. This faulty logic is called a cognitive distortion.

Think of a situation that is upsetting to you. What would it be worth to you if your therapist could help you solve this problem? Would you be willing to do assignments between sessions? Homework is an essential ingredient in cognitive therapy. He or she will assign homework in every session that is tailored to your problem. In order to achieve success in therapy, you must be willing to do the assignments.

Along the way, your therapist will frequently measure your degree of depression, anxiety, relationship satisfaction, and other factors that may be related to your problem. As your scores change, they will know how much progress you have made.

Cognitive therapy is not always easy. It can be very hard work, but the life-changing results are very rewarding. If you are depressed, they will challenge your feelings of hopelessness. If you are anxious, they will challenge your worst fears. If you are addicted to a behavior, they will challenge your fear that life will be boring and dull if you stop what you are doing. If you are angry, they will help you assume responsibility in your relationships. If you are shy, they will help you open up and take risks in groups.